Tobias Greystone

"When was it that man and dragonkind last stood eye-to-eye as allies? Perhaps a return to those days is in order."

Crystal - Balmung

A Knight, but just barely

A knight in the service of House Swann by way of House Fortemps, Tobias was often tasked to do whatever odd job most of the other highborn knights would find beneath them. As such, he has seen a great deal of the lands belonging to the Holy See, from the now-forgotten eastern highlands of Coerthas, to the mountains of Sohm Al, and even the heights of the Sea of Clouds. In his travels, he has even picked up an unconventional method or two of combat.

He's just a half-breed. Best for him to be forgotten...

The bastard son of a High House knight and a lowborn Hyur maid, Tobias has the rounded facial structure and eyes of his mother and tall build of his father. While not as lanky as other elezen, his ears are still pointed at the tips, even if barely. As such, he is often immediately flagged for his heritage by countrymen and, even in the newer, more progressive Ishgard, is still subject to old prejudices.

Sit by the fire, friend. You look like you could use a rest

Tobias often travels in a beat-up, almost rusted suit of Ishgardian armor and travel cloak. While the armor of a High House, what is left of it looks like it has seen a few generations without a smith. Tobias does his best to keep it in working order.
Because of this, many overlook this traveling knight as a wayward vagabond, which suits him just fine.

What you see:
A man in his mid-to-late thirties, Tobias carries a look of added age due to his hair color and scruffy appearance. Often going several days or even weeks without seeing the comfort of an inn room, Tobias is often dirty, bedraggled and in need of a good nap.
Bearing the tell-tale signs of being a half-breed, one of the first noticeable features of the man (should his hair actually be in some sort of presentable condition) is his ears. Deceptively Hyur from the bottom, the tips come to a neat little point, complimenting his thin nose, high cheekbones and ashen hair in showing off his Elezen heritage. While on the shorter end for an elezen, Tobias' frame has managed to acquire a decent amount of muscle from his training.
When not wearing a helmet, a face wrap or eye patch covers Tobias' right eye. The hints of a scar show out of the edge of it just at the bridge of his nose and cheek. His visible eye, the pleasant purple a gift of his mother's genes, peers out from under his unkempt hair. Often times it stares, as if judging its target. That is, when he's not nodding off somewhere in the corner of a room.
Voice claim: Ralph Ineson

Knighthood:Spent the past decade as a Temple Knight? Then you've probably heard of Tobias, at least in jeers and whispers. He's gained ignominy for doing just about any job that needs to be done, no matter how 'beneath someone' it is.
Brotherhoods:A member of the Brotherhood of a certain order of pointy, broody people. He doesn't share this information with everyday folks he runs into, but if you were one, you may recognize the half-blood.
Ishgard:Yep. He's from there. People like to talk, but also bastards aren't that uncommon in Ishgard.

About the Player

I've RP'd in various media for close to 20 years now. I've been anywhere from running server-spanning RP guilds in WoW to enjoying my time as a supportive member of other groups. I've been playing FF14 since beta (and even dabbled in 1.0) and I've spent a lot of time in it. Hit me up for whatever!